4×4 Tour in Rubondo Island National Park

Where and When
The safaris take place on Rubondo Island. The open trails here offer wonderful opportunities for watching the wildlife, including elephants, sitatungas, hippos, crocodiles, birds, and at times even otters. Rubondo camp is open from 1 June to 31 March
Between 4 and 2 hours. Depending on how many days you have to spend here and what activities you want to do during your stay, you can choose to do the 4x4 tour in the morning or the afternoon. Exact activity times and schedules are set by the camp staff.
4x4 Safari
Depending on the number of days you will spend in Rubondo, the activities for each day vary, as do the timetables. If you are only spending 2 nights here and you are going on the chimpanzee trek, the 4×4 tour will most likely take place in the afternoon. This will depend on the activities scheduled by the camp.