Game drives in Namibia

Example of an open 4x4
These vehicles are based in some camps, generally in Ongava Private Reserve.
During open 4x4 safaris, participants share the vehicle with other camp guests. Private safaris are also available at extra cost, subject to availability. The maximum capacity of the vehicles is 7 passengers.
When the camp's own vehicles are used, they are also included in the possible activities planned by the camp. If closed external 4×4 vehicles are used, possible activities planned by the camp are not included.

Example of a closed 4x4
They are used for travelling by road rather than by plane and when the selected camp(s) do not provide vehicles.
Also closed vehicles are based in some camps, generally in camps based in desert areas where temperatures can be low early in the morning and late afternoon.
It is very important to note that safari vehicles are especially modified and custom-designed. Although the design of the vehicles is very similar, the vehicles used may be of different makes and designs to those shown as examples.