Meet the meerkats in Makgadikgadi Pans

During your stay in Makgadikadi you can visit a family of meerkats - social mongooses that have grown used to humans. The visit offers a chance for some superb photography.
Where and When
In the area neighbouring some camps in Makgadikgadi. All year round.
Duration and Minimum Stay
About 2-3 hours in total. The duration may vary depending on how much time you spend with the meerkats. Exact activity times are set by the camp staff. The minimum stay for this activity is 3 nights in the same camp that includes this activity.
Meet the Meerkats
The mornings are reserved for a safari activity. In the afternoon, after having had time to rest, you will visit a meerkat colony. The number of activities and their order will depend on the number of nights you spend at the camp. Depending on the number of days you will spend in the camp, the order and the exact times of the activities may vary daily. The camp staff are in charge of scheduling the daily activities so this information should be considered as a guideline.
More information
These cute little mongooses have grown used to humans, allowing for great interaction and beautiful images.