Meeting the Himbas

The Himba are one of the oldest cultures on our planet, maintaining their semi-nomadic way of life. You have the chance to meet this indigenous tribe in northern Namibia.
Where and When
In northern Namibia, within the Kunen region and in the area near the camp. All year round though it is hard to say in advance whether the Himbas are in the area and thus if the visit is possible.
Duration and Minimum Stay
Duration varies depending on the location of the Himba and interaction time with them. This activity is included in the camp activity programme. The required minimum stay for this activity is 3 nights. The camp staff is in charge of scheduling the daily activities so this information should be considered as a guideline.
Because of the Himba’s semi-nomadic way of life, this visit is only possible when they are in the area. It is hard to know their precise location, while they are out herding their cattle.
More information
The Himba are native to the Kunene region and the last indigenous Namibian people to retain their semi-nomadic tradition. Because not many tourists come to this remote region, the Himba have managed to largely maintain their ancient way of life. They live herding goats and also cows. It is important to keep in mind that interaction with the Himba is only possible when they are in the area. As we explained, they are a semi-nomadic people, so they change areas and camp when the cattle do not find enough food and water.