Rwenzori Mountains National Park

The Rwenzori Mountains, also known as ‘the Mountains of the Moon’, were declared a World Heritage Site in 1994t. The beauty of their landscapes, the environmental diversity and the high proportion of native species are truly unparalleled.
The Rwenzori range includes six major mountains: Mount Gessi, Mount Emin, Mount Luigi di Savoia, Mount Baker, Mount Speke and Mount Stanley.
Each level of altitude offers different landscapes and ecosystems. In the lower zone, we find the forest, transitioning to bamboo from 2,500 metres above sea level. At over 3,000 metres, the terrain opens out, dotted with lobelias and the alien-looking giant groundsel.
At 5,109 metres above sea level, Mount Stanley’s Margarita peak is the third highest in all of Africa.
The orography of these mountains makes the ascent a challenge even to mountain lovers, and is considered a tougher climb than Kilimanjaro, highest peak in Africa.
Despite this, it is not inaccessible: a trek to the summit starts at Rwenzori Mountains National Park.