Diani Beach

Diani Beach is not only one of the most beautiful beaches in Kenya, but is considered one of the best beach destinations in Africa. Despite being a main attraction in the region, Diani Beach still retains the charm of uncrowded places.

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Amboseli National Park

The iconic photograph of elephants with Kilimanjaro in the background attracts many to Amboseli. And while getting this exact image requires a lot of luck, the park is still one of the most photogenic places in Africa, brimming with opportunities for the perfect image.

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Samburu National Reserve

This wildlife reserve is home to species more adapted to semi-desert environments such as the oryx. Native species include the reticulated giraffe and the Grévy's zebra. It is the territory of the Samburu people, who you’ll have the opportunity to meet and learn from.

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Masai Mara Game Reserve

Kenya's most famous national reserve is part of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem. This natural paradise is home to a large population of big cats, herds of herbivores and the unmistakable landscape of the African savannah, as well as the ‘great migration’ which takes place between August and September.

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